But early next year, 2012, a brand new event will begin - Our World Our Art. Yes, it may seem early to be talking about a 2012 event, but..........this will give people who are amazingly artistic (and you know who you are SF!!!) time to begin a blog. Having an active blog is one of the requirements for being a part of Our World Our Art. Being willing to share yourself and your artistic passion with the world is another. This event will also allow people to link to your Etsy shop or other online shop if you sell your work.
Anyway, to get on the newsletter list (I just received the first one today and there will be a few more prior to the event), just go to Lisa's blog and look at the right hand column. There is a sign-up for the OWOA newsletter there. The newsletter will explain the event in much more detail so that you can be READY TO HAVE FUN in early 2012!
Here is hoping you have a wonderful week!