OK some catching up to do. September just passed by in a blur. October is almost there. Mr. Whimsey and I had some visitors to get ready for this month and they've already been and gone. Ro and Jimmy from Ireland are on a long visit to the US and graced us with their presence weekend before this. Let's see, they arrived on Thursday and on Friday we went to Stately Oaks in Jonesboro, GA for a little history (since history is what they came to see). That was really fun - I've been before but it's always interesting to hear what the guides have to say. On Saturday we went to Oakland Cemetery (now I've lived here since 1969 and would you believe have never made that visit?). It is absolutely lovely and Mr. Whimsey and I want to go back and walk around some more - it's a beautiful place to visit - Margaret Mitchell, Bobby Jones, and many other famous and not-so-famous people are buried there. You could spend the whole day! Before that visit we ate lunch at Six Feet Under which is directly across the street. Yes, it's really called that and has fabulous food! And being a pub - Jimmy and Mr. Whimsey were in their element! Then on Sunday we went to the Grant Park Farmer's Market which I dearly love. There are wonderful veggies, breads, home-made sausages, you name it, they have it. My daughter and son-in-law who are organic farmers have a booth there so Ro and Jimmy were able to meet them. On Monday they left for the remainder of their trip - down through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Right now they are in New Orleans and are just loving it. We expect them back around next weekend and they will fly home from Atlanta.
And speaking of Mr. Whimsey - helping find the route in the atlas for their trip south - wait, wait, is HE LOOKING AT HIS NOSE???
An update on Kitty Boy - this was a month or so ago when he was snoozing up on the dead ornamental grass - so funny - all stretched out.
About two weeks ago he got into a whale of a fight and came home completely battered - ripped ears, eye bleeding, nose scratched badly. He looked like a prize fighter! Somehow it seems to have healed pretty well without a vet trip.
And this one I just label "None for me??? Not even a mouthful??? Not a crumb??? Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???" That's Buddy on the left, Shadow in the middle, and Lucy in a comfortable begging position LOL
So this weekend is the annual Country Living Fair at Stone Mountain Park, GA and Mr. Whimsey and I went bright and early. Understand that the cold and I don't get along - heck I get hives when I walk down the frozen food aisle at the grocery store. So leggings under my heaviest jeans, a thick long sleeved cotton top, socks and sneakers, my longest heaviest winter coat, gloves, and a very thick scarf kept me from totally shivering - yeah you guys up North laugh but it was under 40 last night and under 60 and I'm cold! Anyway, once we got through the gate and started walking around it wasn't bad - still cold but at least the wind wasn't blowing. Trust me, if you go to the site I've marked - these people weren't walking around today - LOL - they were at one of the other fairs during the summer in other states!
I think this year's was the absolute best so far. The booths were decorated and inviting and I saw many many things I would have loved had I really won that lottery LOL. Usually I try to save and buy one real treasure (and of course a few small things which I can't mention because they are Christmas gifts). But Mr. Whimsey spotted this one and we just had to have it. An old wagon unlike any other I've seen - I'm thinking possibly hand made or rebuilt at some point in it's life. The only thing wood is the platform - all of the rest (except the wheels of course) is wonderfully rusted metal. Isn't it a gem?
The wood was plain but of course I had to add my little touch to it and stain/paint the top, then sand it down. I just love it and it will hold something or other - not sure what yet.
OK so that sort of catches you up on my life. Hope you've been having a wonderful autumn - trees are just starting to turn and drop leaves here but I'm hoping on my trip up to NC to see my step-father tomorrow we'll see some beautiful trees! Blessings to you!