I catered the long weekend and had all sorts of fresh and sinful dishes planned. It came time for lunch on Friday and although I searched the wonderfully appointed kitchen (and I mean this kitchen has everything you could ever need for cooking!) high and low for a knife - ANYTHING but a butter knife - even a tiny paring knife would do - all I could find was a vegetable peeler and a cheese slicer. Now I ask you - have you ever tried to slice a tomato with a butter knife? I developed quite a knack for stabbing each "slice" with the vegetable peeler and then sawing away with the butter knife until I had something that kind of resembled a slice of tomato. The brie was another story though. And that is how it went for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday lunch.
After lunch on Saturday, Erma all of a sudden said, "Hey, wanna borrow my switchblade?"
"Uh, sure Erma, thanks! I'll see if that works better than a butter knife at dinner." And then Kristen and I took off for parts unknown - actually not parts unknown - up towards Blue Ridge to an artist's open house. When we returned several hours later - after deciding NOT to drop in on a wedding we saw advertised on the road, and not stopping at an inside yard sale at a very dicey looking trailer in the middle of a field - Teresa was laughing wildly when we walked in the door.
She just kept saying, "Go in the kitchen and look at the crackers." I looked all over the place for ants or something in the cracker boxes and didn't see a one. By now Teresa was almost having a "pee in your pants moment" and said, "Look at the crackers." I said, "I'M LOOKING AT THE CRACKERS - WHAT am I supposed to be seeing?" Whut whoa - maybe this?
Hey - the case is black and merged into the refrigerator - what can I say?
I must say it was much easier preparing Saturday dinner without using the vegetable peeler and butter knife!!!
So here are some pictures of the cabin - it really is lovely. You can find more information about Sweetbriar Ridge here.
Lois, I'm telling you this scarf is long enough!
Unfortunately I was too busy trying to find a knife to take any pictures of the crafting bwahahahahahaha. But the ladies each made an appliqued wool piece and started a memory spool. Kristen worked on her quilts and she and Teresa made angels out of books - really cool. Erma was crocheting and Lois was working on paper flowers. When Melanie came on Sunday, she was also able to get the wool applique started and her memory spool mostly done. And me - well it was a very successful weekend for crafting - I was able to make two stockings for my grandkids and get most of the work done on seven different Flat Bettys.
Oh and if you'd like the recipe for the crack rolls that we had for breakfast on Saturday morning, just let me know and I'll be glad to send you the recipe. They were sooooooo good!
And now on a somber note - the week following, we had to have our Kitty Boy put down. He was a feral cat who adopted us several years ago and became fairly tame. He was a real character and although I'm sad, I know that we gave him a very nice life the past few years. We put a cat door into our garage door and he had a heated dog bed in the garage. The rocking chair on the front porch was one of his favorite sleeping spots. He was well loved.
Rest in peace Kitty Boy.