Hi! I'm a Jill married to a Jack - yes really! We have four grown children, six grandchildren, 2 black Lab mix rescue dogs, a 9 year old pug dog just rescued, and multiple grand-dogs. I'm retired from the corporate world but I have a home-based Isagenix business. I love to rug hook, design folk art, and play in my studio as well as work in my veggie garden. I so enjoy all of the adventures every day has to offer.
Since I’m a Gawga peach (well not really but I’ve lived here for almost 42 years so that counts)…here is what my yard boy – better known as Jack – did a week ago. We went to our local nursery to get some dirt – and of course couldn’t resist a few plants too. He always goes for the big stuff so of course he was looking for another tree to plant in our already over-crowded front yard. But hey, he’s the yard boy so he’s in charge LOL We saw these pretty little dwarf Bonfire Patio Peach trees. Gorgeous bright pink flowers. So we add one to the mix and go to load up the truck. And being a truck, and since it’s my truck and I drive when we go anywhere in it, and since my legs are short and I have to pull the bench seat up so the passenger’s knees are at their chin…there was no chance Jack was going to hold that peach tree on his lap. So off comes his shirt and he buttons it around the peach tree – looks like some weird kind of scarecrow! But by gosh, most of the flowers are still on that tree when we arrive home. I just couldn’t pass up a before and after picture of this trip!
Now the tag on this peach says “Pinkish-white flowers in spring. Delicious white fleshed freestone fruit in late summer. Prized for its beautiful burgundy leaves and compact growth habit.” But when I went on the internet to look up a little more information – every single reference said “inedible hard fruit”. Anyone know the scoop on these trees? If you do, please share it with me. Have a peachy week!
Just a little of this, that, and the other thing for today. First of all I had to show you these great little (actually over 2 inches in diameter) clay tags that I found from the Freckled Laundry They will make gift packages just that much more special!
Second, spring has sprung here in Georgia and we are supposed to have gorgeous weather all weekend - in the 70's. Too bad I'll be inside working on work stuff most of it. But I know I won't be able to resist getting outdoors a little anyway. These are my Carolina jessamine and pansies blooming in front of my front porch in my herb garden. My thyme stayed green all winter even with the out of character snowfall we had. And some of the other herbs are starting to poke through and grow. The Carolina jessamine is even more beautiful this week with nearly all the blooms open - the picture was from a week ago or so.
Oh, and the ornamental cabbage forest is growing ever taller and now blooming. Not as many pink thingys on the trunks but still very interesting. I think I'll let it keep going for awhile longer.
Now for a very funny story. My nearly 21 year old granddaughter and I were riding down to a nearby town to see family a few weeks ago. She turned to me and said, "Grammy, what is Grampy's middle name?" I said, "Russell", which set her to laughing her head off and then I joined in. All these years with his pet sitting business and I never realized that his name is Jack Russell! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Of course when we mentioned it to him he didn't think it was quite as funny as we did LOL
And last - I keep The Republic of Tea in business. They have flavored and non-flavored teas and there are so many good ones! I'm trying a new one tonight - Pineapple Ginger green tea. Oh my gosh, it tastes like you're eating pineapple - yum! Another favorite is Strawberry Chocolate rooibos - it's like drinking dessert. But it only comes out from January through March or so and then not until the next year. So I ordered in bulk this year LOLOLOL I never used to drink tea very much because of the caffeine, but now I have it for breakfast, lunch, and usually in the evenings. I never liked green tea either but now prefer it to black tea. Green is better for you anyway and the rooibus (red tea) is an herb so no caffeine. And nope, they aren't paying me to advertise LOL
Friday, March 4, 2011
I found a new blog today Wind and Honey that has a wonderful post about creativity and giving back to others. Not only is Elizabeth a talented artist but she also has a great way with words.
I've always volunteered from the time I was in my early twenties until about five or so years ago...one project in particular totally burned me out and I decided to take a breather. Although I do support several organizations with monetary gifts when I can, the hands-on volunteering came to a halt. I was getting older and I didn't have as much energy and...well...that was my excuse anyhow. Anyone who volunteers knows in their heart that the pure act of helping someone brings you energy - energy to your spirit which then will energize your body.
Elizabeth got me thinking today. When I retire in about three years, I hope to get back to the hands on volunteerism. I have thought about it now and again. What will I do? Who will I volunteer with? How and who will I be able to help? But I never thought about helping in the best way possible. Taking the best things about myself and passing them on to others. Using my best capabilities to creatively help others. I think it's time to start a positive list - all the things that embody my spirit that I think might be worth teaching or using in some way to help others. Maybe by the time I retire I'll actually have a plan of action? Thanks Elizabeth!