First of all let me express how I REALLY feel about blogger –
this new setup @(#9*@(*#&$$(@*&$*#(@&! I had typed a whole post and all of a sudden
it was gone and only my signature remained.
OK, enough whining – would anyone like cheese with this
You know those unsightly cords that spring out of the back
of every piece of media player that one owns?
The phone connections, the cable connections, TV to electrical plug, TV
to ethernet box, DVD player to TV, and on and on? LOL
Today I decided to do something about them. A couple of weeks ago we managed to get rid
of most of the cords by putting the ethernet box and cable box into the armoire
that held the TV – although that was an adventure in itself. The large black cable cord and the two
bright green telephone cords were still left running amuck along the wall and
I took some flecked linen and cut long strips, turning under
both edges and then folded each strip in half and ironed the fold. I just took one strip at a time and starting
from right to left – because that’s how I roll – I simply put the strip around
the black cable cord and sewed a large running stitch down the open edge. When I ran out of a strip, I just added
another. This way if I need to remove
them it will be simple to just cut the stitching. One cord down, two to go – oh and I would
only do this on cords that I know can’t ever overheat.
The two bright green telephone cords were next and I put
them together into the strip and sewed it on the same way. There are two ways you could do the strips –
scrunch them up so they have that ruffled effect.
Or just keep them straight (if you don’t want to sew twice
as many). Mine were in between.
After I finished each one, I took small nails and making
sure that I was nailing only through the extra cloth on the bottom of each
cord, I fastened them to the baseboard.
Makes it easier to vacuum and they show less being on the painted
baseboard rather than the hardwood floor.
And they hardly show now!
Yea! Presto, chango!