I can't remember where I picked up the little chicken and cart but have used it to hold paper cups for years - maybe it was World Market. Sadly we no longer have one near us but I loved that store. The mirror is courtesy of Hobby Lobby and the mirror actually comes out if you'd rather frame a picture. And the crosses are new as of today and also from Hobby Lobby. As a matter of fact all of their glassware, metal, and wood ready-mades are 50% off - wonderful prices - I could have gone crazy in there today!
The cute little ceramic hooks under the picture are courtesy of Anthropologie (where I have to carry a drool rag because I love love love almost everything in their store). The picture is a poster I picked up on Ebay several years back.
The small picture also came from Hobby Lobby several years ago and the shelf probably from there or maybe Target.
The shower curtain is fabulous and is courtesy of Target - I just love their housewares.
Oh and the rug - the rug is what started the whole thing and if it wasn't full of dog hair I'd have taken a close-up LOL. It's a beautiful shade of blue with cut pile and bumps in it that looks like a tufted headboard. Just love it and it came from Lowes.
Well here is to makeovers! May you have a blessed week.